On March 10, 2017, Francesca Romana Forlini (MDes CC ’17) presented her paper titled: ‘Heritage of everyday life’ at the ICOMOS conference “Places of Memory — Protection, Conservation, Interpretation” that was held in Florence, Italy, from March 8-10, 2017.

Forlini’s paper aimed to enlarge the notion of heritage to domestic interiors. She focused on the post-World War II housing projects of France, known as the “Grande Ensembles”, where she studied the individual French resistance to cultural change at the interior domestic scale that counters the expression of modernity in the planning and character of the mid-century buildings.

After the conference, Forlini said: “What was meant to be just a provocation, ended up being welcomed and praised: they aknowledged that “mobile” heritage should be taken into consideration as a new category. I am surprised and extremely happy since I consider this an unexpected, great achievement of my career.”